As a result, absolute consistency on master data is achieved because propagation of changed master data causing delay no longer exists. 因为修改的主数据的传播不再有延迟,所以主数据可以实现绝对一致性。
In addition, error effect resulted from data transmission delay was analyzed. 分析了数据传输时延所构成的误差影响。
Study on the Master Inertial Navigation System Reference Data Delay Processing Method in Transfer Alignment 传递对准中主惯导参考信息滞后处理方法研究惯性导航系统惯导系统
Data delay in Video-conferencing was a very sensitive issue and were considered to be a priority level for the media industries. 这类数据对延时也非常敏感,但属于多媒体业务,可以定义为次优先级;
A method for processing the problem resulting from master inertial navigation system ( MINS) data delay in transfer alignment was presented. 计算机仿真结果表明对数据滞后进行补偿后改善了传递对准的性能。
The impact of the data transmission delay is analyzed and the effect of delay is compared through simulation. 对数据传输延时的影响进行分析,通过仿真实验比较了数据传输延时对航迹融合效果的影响。
Methods Propose a novel buffering and scheduling scheme with FDL, namely data bursts delay scheduling policy. 方法提出了一种新的光迟延线(FDL)缓冲调度方法,即突发延滞调度策略。
Finally, by constructing a queue model, the paper computed the queue delay and analyzed the effect of the size of serving window on the data access delay ( DAD). 通过构建排队模型,计算排队延迟,分析了服务窗口大小对数据分组访问延迟的影响。
Using pipeline data delay and multiple parallel processing elements, the proposed architecture makes the repeated numbers of reading memory be greatly decreased and therefore can speed up image matching operations. 通过引入流水线数据延迟及多个并行处理单元,该结构使得重复读取存贮器的操作次数大大减少,从而加速完成图象匹配操作。
Analysis of data burst delay scheduling policy in OBS networks 光突发交换网络的数据突发延滞调度策略分析
Although streaming media technology is widely used, its multimedia stream playback quality is low because of data transmission delay and jitter. 流媒体技术应用越来越广泛,但数据传输中的延迟、抖动,影响了媒体流播放质量。
In order to improve the phase data time delay estimation performance, a polyspectrum-based generalized phase data time delay estimation algorithm is proposed in the paper. 为改善高阶谱相位数据时延估计算法的性能,研究了一种基于高阶谱的广义相位数据时延估计算法。
These results might help to analyze data stream and data delay in transfer layer, and determine the proper packet length to achieve high system performance. Analysis according to R. 获得的结果可为包装层各应用过程源包长度的确定以及传送层数据流的分析和数据延时分析提供参考。
It mainly resolves the issue of too long data delay in old systems, and it also enhances real-time property and dependability of the system. 解决了原系统数据延迟偏大的问题,并提高了数据发送的实时性和可靠性。
The queuing theory is applied to analyzing the relation between Process Data delay and the MVB polling cycle time and communication rate under the master-slave polling. 运用排队理论分析主从轮询方式下过程数据的延迟与MVB的轮询周期、通信速率的关系;
Technique for Control System of Tracking and Data Delay Satellites 跟踪与数据中继卫星控制系统技术
The voice packet dropping probability and data delay are analyzed through M/ M/ n/ m model and phase process respectively. 文章分别通过M/M/n/m排队模型和相位过程来分析话音的丢包率和数据的延迟。
Simulation results show that new protocol exceed TMAC at the energy consumption, data delay and so on. ( 2) Traditional wireless network protocol can not apply to sensor networks directly. So many researchers proposed new protocol stack for wireless sensor networks. 仿真结果显示新协议在能量消耗、数据延迟等方面要超过TMAC。2.传统的无线网络协议不能适用于无线传感器网络,于是大量的研究工作者提出了针对无线传感器网络的协议栈。
Affirm the activation function, hidden nodes and historical data and delay of neural network model. Finally obtain neural network model suited to the system on the higher accuracy. 确定了神经网络模型的激活函数、隐层节点数及历史数据和延迟,最终得到适合于所研究系统的较高精度的神经网络辨识模型,为后续的非线性特征分析提供条件。
For the use of Ad Hoc routing algorithm, network does not need to store the entire data, only need to cache a packet, node storage requirements is low and delay is small. Thereby it increases the data arrival rate, reduce data delay. 由于使用adhoc路由算法时,网络缓存不需要存储整个数据,只需要存储一个一个分组,对节点存储要求较低,且延时较小,因此提高了数据到达率,降低了数据延时。
Congestion would cause network data transmission delay, further increasing congestion, the network will have a serious crash. 拥塞又会造成网络数据传输的延时,进一步使拥塞加剧,严重时网络将产生崩溃。
In addition, in allusion to the harsh landslides environment and the performance for landslide monitoring system, an improved minimum hop routing protocol has been proposed. It has reduced energy consumption, data transmission delay, increased network robustness, improved the node layout and networking flexibility. 此外,针对山体滑坡监测的恶劣环境以及对监测系统的性能要求,提出了改进的最小跳数路由协议,降低网络能耗、减少数据传输延迟、增强网络鲁棒性、提高节点布置及组网灵活性。
The selection of the representative nodes and the staggered scheduling mechanism help to reduce the amount of sent data and the collision of them, thus significantly reducing the data transmission delay and network energy consumption. 代表性节点的选择和交错调度机制减少了数据发送量和数据发送时的碰撞,从而大大降低了数据传输的延时和网络的能量消耗。
Limited network bandwidth makes information and data appear delay and packet loss in communications. These problems lead to networked control systems performance degradation and instability. 有限的网络带宽使得信息和数据在通信网络中传输出现时滞、数据包丢失等问题,这些问题的出现导致网络控制系统性能下降和不稳定。
Mainly to the system shows the real degree, interactive performance, data delay, data storage efficiency and related data test, test results demonstrate the design idea, can satisfy the project needs. 主要对系统显示真实度、交互性能、数据延迟、数据存储效率等相关数据进行测试,测试的结果验证了设计构想,能够满足项目的需求。
Such as the monitoring lag and data delay of the mechanized mining automation system has caused tremendous hazards for coal production and national. 井下综采自动化系统的监测滞后,数据延迟等都对煤矿及国家造成巨大危害。
Finally, to analysis the data delay and other aspects of the algorithm proposed in this paper, we will design a specific test program to test the actual efficiency. 最后从数据时延等方面对文中提出的算法进行效率分析,并设计一个具体的测试方案来测试实际效率。
The performance of wireless Ad hoc network information exchange and routing is mainly reflected in the data transmission delay, data reliability, network throughput and average delay in the routing. 无线自组织网络信息交互和路由性能主要体现在数据传输时延、数据可靠性、网络吞吐量和路由平均时延上。
This algorithm is better than the above two protocols on the data forwarding success rate and data propagation delay. 发现本文的算法对数据的转发成功率,平均路由跳数和数据的传播延时上都要优于以上两种协议。
Furthermore, the efficient routing strategy decreases data transmission delay and the routing repair mechanism improves data transmission reliability. 协议通过有效的路由机制减小了数据的传输延迟,通过路由修复机制保证了数据传输的可靠性。